Nutrition Tips for Weight Loss (Top 10)
Are you wanting to maintain your health during the holiday season, or are you excited to achieve a “new you” for the new year? Then read our top 10 nutrition tips for weight loss. Make it a healthy start to 2018.
Our Nutrition Tips for Weight Loss
Did you know that the average Australian can gain up to 1.5kg over the Christmas period? Below is some nutritional advice to help you take better care of yourself.
1. How Can I Avoid Weight Gain Over The Holiday Period?
When eating, go for a handful of protein (lean meats are best) as protein gives you the greatest sense of satiety. Add 3 handfuls of salad and/or veggies to your meat portion to add healthy carbohydrates to your plate.
When we don’t feel hungry we are less likely to eat damaging carbs like desserts.
2. How Can I Stay Fit During The Holidays?
Prevention is better than treatment, aim to maintain your current weight over the Christmas period. We want you to enjoy yourself and aiming to lose weight during the Christmas period might be an unrealistic goal.
To help with maintaining your weight over the holiday period, try putting your knife and fork down in between bites. Before asking for dessert, wait 10 minutes to see if you really are still hungry.
After the holiday period, avoid getting too hungry and avoid skipping meals. Make sure you eat breakfast, we’ve noticed that people who opt for this important morning meal usually consume less calories throughout the day.
If you’re heading to a gathering with friends or family, eat something light before arriving to reduce your chances of snacking on finger foods that might be high in calories.
Do yourself a favour, and don’t go to the shops while you’re hungry. Avoid the temptation of junk foods such as donuts, pies, sausage rolls, chips, lollies, chocolates, cake and also cream.
Plan your meals in advance and be organised with your meal plan.
If snacking is a problem, why not purchase one of the 6 flavours of protein bars available at Betterhealth Clinic. They fit in your bag and will help you to not only have healthy snacks but to avoid skipping meals which also contributes to weight gain.
3. What Foods Can I Eat To Lose Weight?
Healthy snacks include:
- Plain coconut yoghurt
- Fruit salad
- limit to 1 serves daily
- 1 serve = 1 piece or handful of chopped fruit
- Your choice of lean meat
- Vegetables and salad
- Eggs
- Almond meal and nuts
- Sugar free dressings
When shopping, look for fresh and seasonal fruit and vegetables. Avoid packaged and processed foods as well as foods containing artificial colours, flavours, additives, stabilisers and also flavour enhancers.
Get a 7 day meal plan and a shopping list from Betterhealth Clinic. We offer management plans for weight loss Perth and can assist you in making healthy nutritional decisions.
Whether your problem is emotional eating or hormonal imbalances, we can help. Use our 12 years of experience to your advantage.
Book now with Claudia at Betterhealth Clinic for more nutritional tips for weight loss.
4. Can I Drink Alcohol And Still Lose Weight?
Of course, but like anything else, moderation is key.
We recommend that you consume only two standard drinks in a week and choose white spirits over wine.
This might be hard during the holiday period, so we advise that you avoid pre-mixed drinks and mixing alcohol with sugary sodas that can also be high in sodium.
- Fats have 9 calories per gram
- Alcohol has 7 calories per gram
- Protein has 4 calories per gram
- Carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram
- Choose your carbohydrates carefully as the they are not all the same
With this in mind, our nutrition tips for weight loss indicate that it’s best to consume alcohol in moderation.
5. What Are Some Helpful Non-Food Incentives For Weight Loss?
- Grab your favourite pants once per week and make a mental note of how they fit.
- If they’re not too snug, then you’re doing a great job!
- Reward yourself with some new workout clothes.
- Get your hands on some fancy new headphones and load your phone or music player with your favourite workout tracks.
- Aid your muscle recovery with a weekly massage.
- Buy yourself a musical instrument and learn how to play it.
Do you need more ideas? Book now with Claudia at Betterhealth Clinic for more non-food incentives as well as nutritional tips for weight loss.
6. What Are Some Gift Ideas For Losing Weight?
Food preparation can be time consuming for busy people. Some gift ideas for improving your friend’s / family’s nutrition include:
- Vegetable cutting machine: to almost automate salad preparation.
- Blender: for making super-healthy smoothies and other endless culinary possibilities.
- Coffee machine: start the day an hour early with a delicious caffeinated beverage.
- Slow cooker: prepare many healthy dishes and cook dinner while away from the house.
- Healthy cooking classes: for those who are overwhelmed and just don’t know where to start.
7. How Do I Burn More Calories?
With a focus on nutrition tips for weight loss, you can:
- Drink any herbal tea or black tea
- Eat smaller, more frequent meals
- Drink 2 litres of water per day
- Consume half a a protein rich snack
- Eat celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, broccoli and lettuce
- limit to 6 serves daily
- 1 serve = 1 piece or 1 handful
Betterhealth Clinic also provide dietary supplements such as shakes and bars as well as thermogenic supplements that can help with stimulating your metabolic rate. Our plans for weight loss Perth and can assist you in shifting the extra kilos.
Book now to see Claudia at Betterhealth Clinic and receive more nutrition tips and support for your weight loss journey in 2018.
8. How Can I Keep Track Of My Calories?
Try not to count calories instead look to have 3 main meals and 2 snacks, all protein rich and of appropriate portion
You can keep a daily journal of the calories you consume as well as tracking your weekly weight goals. Bring it in to clinic on your next appointment and Claudia can help you fine tune your nutrition.
Eat every 3-4 hours to avoid drops in sugar and a slowing of your metabolism. Don’t let your body think you are starving it.
9. Each Meal Is a Chance To Get Your Health Back On Track.
One indulgent meal won’t ruin your health. Each meal is a chance to get your health back on track. Be kind to yourself and identify the good trends in your diet. Self-compassion is important for your mental and also physical health.
10. Where Can I Get Nutritional Advice?
Claudia at Betterhealth Clinic is a qualified nutritionist and is full of advice on nutrition and weight loss Perth. Don’t forget we also offer health fund rebates for your program.
Book Now to Receive Support and More Nutrition Tips for Weight Loss
Thanks for reading our top 10 nutrition tips for weight loss during the holiday period.
Book now for a healthy start to 2018 and achieve the “new you” for the new year!
Remember – wealth is health.